Content Marketing Videos


By creating content videos that you freely share with your prospective and current customers, you are able to establish your business as a trustworthy authority in your industry.  At Larimore Production Company we like to think of content videos as a way to educate, excite and engage your audience. Content videos are great because they make information much more digestible for the viewers and can be used on many different platforms. Content videos can be used on your YouTube channel for organic leads, on your blog, in social media posts and within email marketing campaigns. This method of marketing should be a key component in your overall marketing scope.


How have our clients used content videos?

Client: Nielsen Norman Group


Nielsen Norman Group (NNG) are the world-leaders in research-based user experience and provide training, consulting and research reports to their clients. We started working with them in 2017 to create short educational videos to be used on their YouTube channel and website articles. They lead a user experience (UX) conference nearly every month in locations all around the world. To continue engaging their audience and building community with past conference attendees, they wanted to post a new video every week. In just the past year alone we produced over 90 videos!

So how were we able to accomplish this? We travel to two NNG conferences each year and setup an entire conference room for filming. We then have 90 minute windows throughout each day with each of the NNG speakers who have prepared 1-5 short videos to present. After filming for a week, we take all that footage, create a shared editing/review document, edit all the videos and then schedule them onto the NNG YouTube channel for them. Throughout the rest of the year, videos automatically release each Friday based on the dates that were chosen.

These videos now engage thousands of viewers each week and continue to keep Nielsen Norman Group in their minds as the authority in the field of User Experience.



Client: San Bernardino County


Since 2016, we have worked with the San Bernardino County Economic Development agency to create videos that invite people to come and see the variety of activities,businesses and adventures you can discover in San Bernardino County. Their goal was to create videos that would excite, educate and engage their followers as they shared these projects on their social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  By creating“share-worthy” videos that are easy to pass on to others they invite viewers to checkout and explore the variety of offerings in the County, and thus help drive the overall economy.

Working with San Bernardino over the years, we have used several approaches to producing content marketing videos ranging from creating single focus vingettes of attractions around the county, to taking a more narrative approach and following a couple on their weekend adventure in San Bernardino County. In every case, the videos told stories that helped support their tagline of being “California’s Outdoor Playground.”